Encouraging us to rise above whatever our current circumstance, this dragon embodies our ability to take flight into new realms of possibility never before dreamed possible.

Dream. 2023
42.5" x 36" x 6.5"
Vintage rayon upholstery brocade, gifted piece of sequined fabric, bespoke handmade ceramic beads, upcycled chicken wire, steel coat hangers, sequined tulle dress, leather coat, gold dress shirt, scraps from other sewing projects as stuffing, aluminum fence wire, found copper jewelry wire, metallic thread, thread.
Encouraging us to rise above whatever our current circumstance, this dragon embodies our ability to take flight into new realms of possibility never before dreamed possible.
I had never had an art show before Illuminated: a bestiary for troubled times. To be asked to create pieces for this show, here and now, is an incredible honor I never expected and I have done my very best to dig deep and bring forth both beauty and meaning from my current abilities and resources. I hope my manifestation of this goal will resonate with others and encourage them to add a new sparkle of meaning to their lives, and work through embracing the skills that are uniquely them.
Photography by Ryan LaFever